Monday, May 10, 2010

mid-exam high!

I'm at that stage where more than half my exams are over, I'm finding it REALLY hard to concentrate on studying and all I want to do is relax, hang out with my friends, play guitar, watch episode after episode of Gilmore Girls and read.

Unfortunately, I cannot, because although I have done my science exam (which was actually WAY better than I expected and I am so so so relieved), PDHPE exam (which everyone finished in half an hour and was really easy) and French exam (which was just a speaking exam that I think I did quite well in), tomorrow I have Maths, which should be nice and hard and on Wednesday I have Geography.

Today while we were waiting around after the PDHPE exam for the French exam, I realised that I could be using this time to keep reading Cloudstreet (which, incidentally, I have nearly half finished!), but I was with some of best friends at the time and I REALLY didn't feel like going down to my locker to get the book and then effectively ignore them for the next hour. So I didn't read.

But looking back on that event, I've started to realise something. If I'm going to get through 26 books by October 31st, there are going to have to be times when reading comes before incidental hanging out. Like, I might be REALLY close to finishing a book and we have a bludgy period because it's raining and we're meant to have PE and the teacher can't be bothered making us do yoga in the hall (hypothetical situation, we play hockey inside when it rains and it's actually one of the better times I have in PE) and all my friends will be chatting and I'll have to say "sorry, I've just got to read for a bit, THEN I'll talk".

I know I got myself into this, and I love to read, but that situation just doesn't appeal to me. I guess if I stay on top of the reading that won't have to happen, but at the moment, when I'm struggling to finish a book in two weeks, it looks quite likely.

Sigh... Oh well, this time in 48 hours all my exams will be over! I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. See, but we are so much cooler to hang out with... rather than reading a book!!!
