Monday, May 17, 2010

i don't want to talk about it

Let's just not even mention my aim, OK? The book a week thing?

Yeah. TOTALLY not going so well.

It's been over two weeks since I started Cloudstreet, but although I quite like it, I'm not enthralled. I just don't pick it up when I'm bored the way I do when I find a book I love. Actually, when I find a book I REALLY love, I pretty much just read, all the time, without doing other vital things. When I got Paper Towns by John Green from the library, that's what I did. Just read, all the time.

Actually, I still have that book. I need to return it to the library... now I've probably got a fine...

I had an OK weekend, I watched the telecast of Jessica Watson coming home on TV on Saturday (and read a bit while I was doing that), and went shopping for clothes for work experience (which will undoubtedly be mentioned here more soon because the position I've got is really relevant and I am SO SO SO excited about it!!!). Then I watched a movie with my family on Saturday night, so I didn't read then. Sunday, I did some homework and spent time with my sister, then went to church. So no reading there.

Anyway, I've got over 30 views on my video on YouTube! And although I think a large majority of them are me, I'd like to thank anyone who did actually watch the video. I really appreciate it, particularly as it wouldn't make sense to you unless you had read the book.

Which I sort of recommend, but sort of not... It's ok, it's just not the best book I've ever read. It feels a tiny bit like it's dragging. Apparently there's a play of it that goes for 6 hours. I don't know if I could stay focussed for that long. I had trouble staying focussed in the movie of Robin Hood and that's only 2 hours!

Tomorrow, I have a PIP lesson, and I think I'll try and finish the book tonight or tomorrow morning on the way to school and write the review in the lesson. I was worried at first that the filter on the school server that blocks sites like Facebook :( and flash games would block my blog, but luckily it didn't, so I can work on that at school. I'm also planning on emailing some high-profile bloggers and vloggers to ask them to check out my project, and hopefully even endorse it for me, so stay tuned for that!

And I promise I'll get off this book soon so you can start reading my boring entries about another book :)


  1. Hello SheepishlyLiz!! Your blog is so cool! Where did you come up with this idea? It's a really good one! Also, what happens when you finish reading 26 books in 6 months? Are you going to stop blogging or keep going, and start your mission over again with another 26 books?

    By the way, an absolutely amazing book that is definitely worth reading, is Gone With the Wind. It's big (1037 pages long), but it's worth it!! You won't regret reading it. Let me know how it goes! My blog is Act Out (on blogspot).


  2. It's me again!!! From Act Out.

    I have a question for you. How do you get your title and description so cool looking? I can't figure out how to get it to look like anything except what comes in the options of customizing my blog that blogspot gives. And how do you get videos on your blog? I can't figure that out either.

    Please help me!!!! Thanks!!!

    Keep up with the good blog!!!
