It has come to my attention that covers play a VERY large role when people are selecting books.
I have just finished reading Looking for Alaska by John Green (and will review it soon I promise!). I bought the book because I had read Paper Towns and really enjoyed so I thought buying another book by John Green would be a good investment. And it was. The book is REALLY REALLY good, though read 'how far is too far in teenage books' if you think you might be offended by some of the content.
I have a MUCH bigger issue with the book than simply the sex, and that is the cover.
My copy of Looking for Alaska is the British version, and the cover looks like this:
Quite nice, yes, HOWEVER the main character in this book is a boy. Most of the main characters are boys. The author is male. Yet this cover suggests that the book is for girls, with the daisy and the curly writing with the heart. The daisy does have significance in the book, but not till very late in the story.
Now I don't know John Green's opinion on this cover (and I am considering emailing him about what he thinks of it) but if I was the author of this book, I would be slightly annoyed. Boys SHOULD read this book, in my opinion! It's definitely not a girly book.
This is the American cover of Looking for Alaska:
Well firstly, this cover is also black, like the British cover, but there is no flower. The candle with the smoke is a reference to events in the book and there is nothing remotely girly or boyish that would distinguish this book as for one gender as opposed to the other.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... covers annoy me sometimes. One of my favourite books, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, originally had a hot pink cover. Just like Alaska, this book is narrated in first person by a BOY and is written by a MALE author. It is not a girly book at all! It's a book about breaking down stereotypes and friendship and love!
So, what do you think? Do covers effect the choices you make when you are choosing a book to read/buy? Boys, would you consider reading Looking for Alaska if you saw the British cover, or would you dismiss it as girly? Please tell me what you think in the comments! Also, do you have any books that you would not originally have read because of the covers but only read because someone recommended them to you?
I'm interested to find out whether other people see the issues with covers I see.