Wednesday, August 11, 2010

movies vs. books

I was talking to my friend Lizzy in roll call this morning and we got on to talking about books that are turned into movies and how some people read books before seeing the movie and some people do it the other way round.

So she suggested I write a blog entry about this... so this one's for you Lizzy!

I was in PIP in period one this morning and I decided to ask some other people about their opinions before I give you my own. So firstly, I asked Lizzy. This is what she said.
"Well I always read the book before the movie. What I then usually do is sit through the movie and complain about what is and isn't in the book to the person next to me. (I, Liz (as in sheepishlyliz, the author of this blog), can't definitely attest to this!) Books can give you a different perspective and a clearer picture."

I really like her point about movies not being a good representation of books. I read a book called 'The Tale of Desperaux' a few years ago (by Kate DiCamillo), and a few months later I saw the movie. It was COMPLETELY different to the book and really not that great. Desperaux, a mouse, was nothing like how I imagined him. What had been a whimsical, gorgeous fantasy story had been turned into a fairly boring, run-of-the-mill talking animal kids movie. My sister and my dad were particularly annoyed!

I also asked my friend Nick about his opinion. He said: "Books, because they are always better than the movies."

Thanks Nick, such a great input... Although I do like this finality of this statement. It's great that he can say books are ALWAYS better than movie adaptions. He must have only ever read books that have awful movie versions!

So there you have it! My friends think book THEN movie.

And I tend to agree with them. Books are the original, after all, so you should get the original idea the author was trying to portray before seeing an adaptation.

If you disagree, or have any other point to make on this topic, tell me in the comments! I'd love to read your opinions!

I'm still reading The Piper's Son but I'm nearly finished so that review will be up soon, so stay tuned!


  1. that's not true that i've only read books that have had bad movies made out of them, it's just that movies can never fit as much detail in them as books can and so end up being not as good

  2. WOW... that Lizzy person sure knows what she's talking about.

    I must admit I agree, however, movies can actually turn a rather dull book into something quite epic. Like....ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!!!! This I believe, is quite a clever film as it is almost a continuation of the classic story by Lewis Carroll. With aspects of "Through the looking glass" plus the new ideas from the writers and directors of this movie, a quite interesting movie is made.

    Oh and who could forget that character with that wonderful hat and crazy hair?
